AIDS HIV prevention information on Android Mobile

World AIDS Day is observed on 1 December every year and is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007 and an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007 making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history.


World AIDS Day was first conceived in August 1987 by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter, two public information officers for the Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. On World AIDS Day, December 1, 2006, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched

Here are a few more facts about HIV (Source):
– Over 90% of people with HIV were infected through sexual contact
– You can now get tested for HIV using a saliva sample
– HIV is not passed on through spitting, biting or sharing utensils
– Only 1% of babies born to HIV positive mothers have HIV
– You can get the results of an HIV test in just 15-20 minutes
– There is no vaccine and no cure for HIV

Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS : The stages of HIV infection are acute infection (also known as primary infection), latency and AIDS. Acute infection lasts for several weeks and may include symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, inflammation of the throat, rash, muscle pain, malaise, and mouth and esophageal sores. The latency stage involves few or no symptoms and can last anywhere from two weeks to twenty years or more, depending on the individual. AIDS, the final stage of HIV infection, is defined by low CD4+ T cell counts (fewer than 200 per microliter), various opportunistic infections, cancers and other conditions.

You can download the The official Johns Hopkins HIV Guide App (Paid App) for android from Johns Hopkins Medicine includes the latest authoritative clinical decision support information on HIV diagnosis, management, and relevant medications. You can also download these free android application for more information.

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