Download the first official µTorrent (uTorrent) App for Android (Beta) for free. Find torrents and download them directly to your android phone.
This torrent app is developed by the team that invented the BitTorrent protocol over a decade ago. Subscribe to RSS feeds, play content and more. The first generation of this powerful new app is designed to be easy-to-use, super-fast, and make your Android device so much more fun.
µTorrent (uTorrent) for Android (Beta) is currently free, and best of all, there’s no speed or size limits! To get the best performance and avoid running up your data charges, we recommend taking advantage of android WiFi whenever possible.
To use this app to the fullest also download the remote for uTorrent client on your home computer? Check out µTorrent (uTorrent) Remote for Android.
µTorren is one of the Best Android App for free torrent & is last updated on July 10, 2014. This app is currently trending in Android Market under tools android apps and has 10,000,000 – 50,000,000 installations since its launch.
Updates in the latest version :
✔ Integrated media player (video)
✔ Battery Saver- suspends torrents when battery goes below predefined level (Pro feature)
✔ Integrated media player for better music listening experience
✔ Solution for Google/KitKat external SD card restrictions
✔ Tablet-optimized
✔ Multi-select torrents
✔ Select files
✔ Select download location
✔ Intel Atom optimized
This android app is rated 4.5 with 584,261 reviews & you can download this free android app from Google play store.